SPRAY LINES Water Ski Clinics

Instructor's resume..........

I am Lance Brown, the skier in the picture, and owner of Spray Lines. I have been in the sport of water skiing for 50 years. I competed in 5 National Championships, and won over 150 trophies. I worked with Mike Suyderhoud at his water ski school in Shasta Lake, CA and also ran a water ski school on Lake Stevens, WA. I enjoyed much success competing, but my passion has always been coaching.

I was a 3 event skier, but I am a slalom specialist, coaching first time skiers or world class skiers. I was taught by World Overall Champion Mike Suyderhoud, a legend in the sport of water skiing. Mike has won more gold medals in the sport than any man in history. Mike was instrumental in my development as a skier and a coach, stressing the importance of proper technique, which is the path to consistent success.
I am available for skiing clinics, by appointment, on the west coast, to anyone who wishes to improve their skiing on a CONSISTENT basis. Beginners often benefit the most from instruction, as there are no bad habits to get in the way of progress.

My Goals in coaching........

Pro water ski tournament width= />
Pro water ski tournament

My goals in coaching are to give you the tools you need to build confidence. Confidence breeds success, and success breeds confidence. Athletes who lack confidence are not successful. You do not become successful simply by having talent, physical strength, or being affluent. You become successful by becoming a confident athlete. And confidence is a direct result of being prepared.

Practice makes perfect........

World ranked water skier width= />
World ranked water skier

Practice, in itself, does not CORRECT anything. The truth is that practice only reinforces what we are already doing habitually.

As a basketball coach, I stressed the importance of "muscle memory" in becoming an expert shooter.

The goal is to have it become "natural". Initially, though, doing what feels natural is usually wrong. If we have no one around to help us differentiate between what is right and wrong, we will just keep on getting "good" at whatever we are practicing, correct or incorrect. The more comfortable the body gets doing it, the harder it is to stop. The body will (eventually) do what it is told to do, and what it BELIEVES it must do.

The fastest way to improve is a consistent, graduated approach to learning, taking small steps.....
Small steps, repeated perfectly (correctly), and often, is the best way to build confidence, and increase enjoyment. This principle of learning applies to water skiing at all levels.


All rates assume using your facility, boat drivers, and equipment.

  • $200: 4 hour clinic
  • $350: Full 8 hour day
    • Travel fees and expenses are in addition to these rates
Page last modified on July 28, 2024, at 08:45 AM